Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Upcoming Fruits!

Wow! What a terrific Summer we have been having, weather wise here in the Vancouver area.

All this sun has been working its magic at Garside's Fruit Farm, the apples have been growing and starting to ripen, and the bees have been buzzing on all the blackberry bushes.

We are sad to say we are already sold out of our sour cherries for the 2013 season.  Those delicious cherries go fast!

At the end of this week we will have our Free Range Roasting Chickens available again.  We have been sold out for about a month and are very excited to have stock again.  These chickens will be available for $4.00/lb.  These chickens have been fed a non-medicated, no hormone feed and were allowed run outside. They have been professionally processed and frozen. They are delicious, and juicy. The average size is approximately seven to eight pounds per chicken (some larger, some smaller too).

Our next crop that will be ready will be our Crab Apples - these little apples are delicious and perfect for making jams jellies and wine. They are available for $1.00/lb.

Following that will be our Gravenstein Apples - available for $1.25/lb, Bartlett Pears - available for $0.75/lb and Bramley Apples - available for $1.50/lb.

If you have any questions, comments or would like to place any pre-orders for any of our varieties, please do not hesitate to contact us via email - garsidesfruitfarm@shaw.ca, phone - 604.556.4273 or "Like" us on Facebook.

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