Monday, August 27, 2012

Crab Apple Jelly Recipes!!

We have been busy at Garside's Fruit Farm this past week, picking our delicious Crab Apples.  These little red apples, make a delicious Jelly.  I have added two recipes to this post for you to make with Garside's Fruit Farm Crab Apples.

I have had several people emailing to ask what variety our Crab Apples are, they are the Dolga Variety.

Our Crab Apples are available NOW for $1.00 per pound.

The recipes below discuss using 4 pounds of Crab Apples, I always use 10 pounds at one time to make a nice sized batch - makes around 2 dozen or just under 250 mL jars.

I have made both recipes and both are delicious, however I do tend to make the recipe without Pectin, as Crab Apples naturally contain enough Pectin on their own to gel nicely.


Crab Apple Jelly

(Without  Pectin)

  1. Use tart, hard-ripe fruit.
  2. Wash the fruit and discard the stem and blossom ends.  Place fruit in a kettle with water barely to cover ( 2 cups water to 4 cups fruit).  Bring the water to a boil and simmer the fruit until it is soft.
  3. Turn fruit and juice into a wet jelly bag or several layers of cheesecloth lined sieve placed over bowl. Let drip 1 to 4 hours or overnight.
  4. Measure the juice and bring it to a rolling boil.
  5. Add 3/4 cup sugar to each cup of juice and stir until the sugar is thoroughly dissolved.  Then boil rapidly until the jellying point is reached. 
  6. Skim and pour into hot sterilized jelly glasses to within 1/4 inch of the top. Cover with lids and seal.


Crabapple Jelly
(With  Pectin)

Using 4 lbs Crab Apples:

  1. Wash fruit. Remove blossom and stem ends.  Add 6 cups water, simmer covered 10 minutes.  Crush fruit, cook 5 minutes longer.
  2. Place in wet jelly bag or cheesecloth lined sieve placed over bowl.  Let drip 1 to 4 hours or overnight. 
  3. Measure juice.  If insufficient juice is extracted, up to ½ cup apple juice may be added.
  4. In a deep, stainless steel saucepan, combine 5 cups prepared juice.
  5. Gradually whisk in 1 pkg. Fruit pectin until dissolved.  Stirring frequently, bring mixture to a boil
  6. Add 7 cups sugar.  Over high heat, return to a full rolling boil that cannot be stirred down.  Boil hard one minute, stirring constantly.  Remove from heat, skim foam.
  7. Pour into hot sterilized jelly glasses to within ¼ inch of the top.  Cover with lids and seal.  Makes approximately seven 250 ml. Jars.   

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Crab Apples

Well its that time of the year again, the Crab Apples are ready for picking.  We are starting the pick today!  So if you have a pre-order in, we will be calling or emailing you soon, to let you know your order is ready for pickup.

If anyone would like to get an order in, please contact us soon, we do sell out of our crab apples each year.  These little apples make a delicious Jelly!  I have recipes that I can give anyone if you would like one.

The crab apples are available for $1.00 per pound, get your orders in quick!!

So, if you are interested in ordering or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via email at or phone 604.556.4273.